Two years ago what started out as a few second graders interested in learning more about astronomy has grown to a group of students known as the Harrison Junior Astronomical Society, which may be the only or one of the few elementary clubs with an operational observatory in the state. The group currently has a steady attendance of approximately 50 students in grades 2-6.
The Harrison Junior Astronomical Society is led by teachers Rick Glass and Ed Jarrett. The teachers are members and the club works closely with the Warsaw Astronomical Society, last year hosting a joint “Know Your Scope” event at Harrison. Guests were invited to bring their telescopes to Harrison for evaluation and advice.
The club leaders pursued and won a technology grant through Century Link to build an observatory on the Harrison campus. The observatory houses an 8” re LX 200 telescope equipped for computerized guidance and viewing.
The dedication ceremony will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15, at Harrison Elementary. Guests will be able to tour the new observatory, meet the folks who made it possible, check out the telescopes, and meet many of the young astronomers.
Please RSVP to Ed Jarrett or Rick Glass: or